zondag 23 februari 2014

Hi there! Over here in Belgium we've been really lucky with the weather.Usually we have snow this time of the year but it's been sunny and warm most of this week.In this weather I can't help but get excited about the spring fashion coming up and can't wait to go shopping next moth in the UK!
One of my new favourite colours has to be lime.It has a really fresh look to it and you can just picture yourself in one of these dresses sitting at the seaside sipping a cocktail as the sun goes down..
Frill Lime Green Front Dress  Price: € 65,00 , missselfridge  ,Kerry Stud CornerSHopper Bag£25.00 ,boohoo.com  ,Shorts€ 89,95 ,scotch-soda.com  ,Kate Frill Layered Crop Cami 22€ ,boohoo.com  ,Shelley Shirred Bandeau Maxi Dress 22€ ,boohoo.com  ,neon green crystal perspex gem necklace 14.99€ ,new look

Fashion Happens

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